Surfing for Beginners: How to Conquer the Waves & Ride Like a Pro

Surfing is a freeing sport: You’re working with the water, becoming one as you learn to read every movement – when the waves start to break, crest and as you ride it all the way back to the shore. If you are considering taking up the sport of surfing, there are some steps that you need to practice before you head out to the water. 

You could try and tackle surfing by paddling out into the water with a board and try riding a wave out, but that’s not how training works. Starting from step one and mastering each segment is the best cause of action for any future surfers out there.

While you don’t need the “perfect surfer body” to start surfing, you should be warmed up and ready – meaning doing light exercise before getting on the board – like a light run, then warming up with a swim.


Get Moving: Workouts + Instruction + Practice = Surfing Fun

Preparing for surfing doesn’t all happen in the water. As your acclimation to surfing and overcoming the physical challenges associated with it continue, you will start to feel more at home and more skilled on the waves. Proper training not only focuses on the strength of your muscles, but also helps you develop as a surfer, making it important to take care of your overall health as with any other sport.

Additionally, it’s always a good idea to consider receiving lessons from an instructor or surfing school.



These surfers have most likely spent years honing their craft, living and breathing the sport. They’ll be able to guide you and help you advance quickly and effectively, while giving you helpful tips and advice. It’s so much easier to learn from someone more experienced than trying to figure it all out on your own. 

Plus, you’ll be able to learn proper form and technique right from the start. It’s important to get technique right from the get go, so you don’t have to waste time unlearning bad habits later on – overall, it will make the rest of your surfing journey easier. 

Surfing instructors won’t only teach you how to surf, they’ll also show you the most effective ways to surf. They’ll teach you different moves to use in the water, how to stay balanced and to read the waves. Your instructor should also give you lessons on how to avoid injuring your body while you’re out on the water.

How to find a good surfing instructor? More often than not, a lot of surfers learned by hanging out at the beach, chatting with surfers, asking questions and soaking everything that they can learn up. There’s a whole community of surfers – internationally, nationally, and local to each beach or shore. Nearly all would be happy to give a little advice, recommend an instructor or surfing school.

Surfing instructor

Exercise programs that combine cardiovascular exercise with resistance training are something you should consider adding to your training workouts. If you want to get better at surfing than you have to go beyond cardio or balance exercises. Both are important, but improving overall strength also increases one’s surfing performance. 

Surfing-specific workouts can be very effective at burning calories and toning your muscles, which will help keep you healthy while losing weight, if needed.


All Those Surfer Benefits

Sure, surfing in general is super cool  – but the overall health and athletic benefits are pretty great, too. You’re both physically active while learning something new out in the water, and getting some epic views and adrenaline highs. What’s not to love?  Even if you manage to get to the upper levels of the sport, surfing all the time will not erode that allure of the sport.

Surfing is something people of all ages can do – from five years old to 80 or more! Keeping your body is shape is key to leading a long life, and the longer you live….the more waves you can surf!

Surfing’s benefits also extend to mental health and happiness, too. Because surfing is such an active sport that requires awareness, fast thinking, time out in nature and in the sun, it’s great for your mental well-being. After a stressful day, what’s better than going out on the waves?

surfing relaxation

Bringing It All Together

Something you must learn is surf etiquette. What the most important part? Not to take another surfer’s wave. That’s a big no-no in the surfing world. Make sure you look around when you paddle for a wave and if there is a surfer closer to the peak than you, back off. That’s their wave. 

It’s also important to take notice and respect the local surf culture of the area you are in.

Not every surfing location will be the same – even if they are in proximity to each other! Surfers in new surf spots might do things very differently than you, or what you are used to seeing. As in all situations, be polite and respectful in order to get an idea on the vibe of the surf spot, and you’ll be good to go.

If you’ve been thinking about trying out surfing but aren’t too sure, why not give it a go? You won’t know if you like it until you try it, and even if you don’t, there are plenty of other kinds of extreme sports to experience if surfing isn’t your thing…but it just might!

 After all, they say the best time to start was yesterday, and the second-best time is today. Joining a surfing club or group is a great way to meet others with similar interests as you, and can help you on your surfing journey.


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