Riding Dirty – Fails of the Week | FailArmy


Whether it’s bikes, quads, cars, or wagons; we all find a way to fail on wheels! Just be sure to wear a helmet and keep the hooning to a minimum 😉  Happy Fail Friday y’all!►►► SUBMIT YOUR VIDEOS! bit.ly/fasubmit SUBSCRIBE! http://bit.ly/fasubscribeFailArmy Merch Store • fail.army/2YU6Ax0▼ FOLLOW US FOR MORE FAILS!➤ Facebook ➝  http://bit.ly/FAILfacebook➤ Instagram ➝ http://bit.ly/FAILinstagram➤ Snapchat ➝  http://bit.ly/FAILsnapchat➤ TikTok ➝  http://bit.ly/FAILtiktok➤ Twitter ➝ http://bit.ly/FALtwitterCheck out FailArmy U!!! • http://bit.ly/failu#failarmy #fails #funnyWe’ve got friends in high places! Give them a watch: People Are Awesome – http://youtube.com/peopleareawesomeThe Pet Collective – http://youtube.com/thepetcollectiveThis is Happening – http://youtube.com/ThisisHappeningFailArmy is the world’s number one source for epic fail videos and hilarious compilations. We’re powered by fan submissions and feedback from all around the world, with over 30 million fans across digital platforms! To license any of the videos shown on FailArmy, please visit Jukin Media at http://bit.ly/jukinlicense.






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