Home Adventure Massive Storm in the West of France // Extreme Kiteboarding

Massive Storm in the West of France // Extreme Kiteboarding

Massive Storm in the West of France // Extreme Kiteboarding


We saw a massive low pressure system building on the West Side of France. So me and 2 of my friends decided to pack our small Toyota Yaris full of Kiteboarding equipment and ourselves and make the 7 hour drove across France. Needless to say – we scored!

Music in this videoLearn moreListen ad-free with YouTube PremiumSong

Swallow (Tale Of Us Remix)




Swallow Remixes

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Embassy of Music GmbH (on behalf of Embassy One); UNIAO BRASILEIRA DE EDITORAS DE MUSICA – UBEM, Sony Music Publishing, LatinAutorPerf, LatinAutor – SonyATV, Muserk Rights Management, LatinAutor, and 5 Music Rights Societies