I went Parasailing! | and got Dragged in the Water!! | Whitney B





Volcano Surfing In Nicaragua #fyp #minitravelvlog #travel #trave


High Eiger 2 Grindelwald Wingsuit Flight

https://youtu.be/k-U8nDmmhdo HIGH FLYING AT ITS BEST! - One week later with Berlin Base Crew, Karsten, Sven, Alex, Shivan, Swiss pioneers, Gabriel, Fabien, Julien, Flo, Flo,...

Snowmobiler Levi LaVallee Rides a Loop for the First Time

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZqCwpNPbik source Levi Lavallee has been at the forefront of freestyle snowmobiling for over a decade — checking off the unimaginable year after year. Now, watch...

Genius Girl Stunt Rider Sarah Lezito

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_FHmYQ4t2Y Sarah Lezito got 9th place at biggest stunt riding competition Czech Stunt Day. She is famous prorider from France, returned to the sport after...

Hard Work Is Always The Key 💪 Never Give Up!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HYOqOGBZmQ source Anthony Lopez is a true source of inspiration!This guy has decided to live his own life with no regrets. Despite his difficulties, he doesn't...