8 SAVAGE Landings From Red Bull Flugtag 😂


Red Bull Flugtag is a flying contest like no other, where amateur teams try to fly their homemade machines through the air and compete for glory. As well as trying to fly as far as possible, the teams also need to make a splash with the judges, and are assessed on their creativity, showmanship and flare for design 🪄 But it’s basically a rule of physics: what goes up, must also come down! We’ve put together 8 of the most savage landings from Red Bull Flugtag 💦00:00 This is Red Bull Flugtag00:55 Team Beaverton Boys BIG platypus 02:07 Flying Franks (don’t fly)03:36 Team Dragon 04:56 Team de Bosch SLAM DOWN06:09 Team What Sphynx 07:17 Team Kentucky Flying Colonels kan’tucky fly 08:40 Team Burton make an impact09:36 Team 503 Adventuremobile #RedBull #flugtag #RedBullFlugtag_________________________________________________Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before with the best action sports clips on the web, original series and livestreams.Get the FREE Red Bull TV apps for all your devices: http://win.gs/RedBullTVApps  Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: http://win.gs/SubToRedBullCheck out Red Bull on TikTok: https://win.gs/TikTokRed Bull on Facebook: http://win.gs/redbullfbRed Bull on Instagram: http://win.gs/RedBullInstagramRed Bull on Twitter: http://win.gs/redbulltwitter





Parasailing | Destin, FL


Would you dare? #redbull #redbullsg #cliffjumping #cliffdiving #


These pogo tricks are insane 🤯 (via @Xpogo) #pogo #flip


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